Better Road design could have saved matt keenan

After her husband Matt was killed by a reckless driver in 2021, Laura Keenan founded the San Diego chapter of Families for Safe Streets and has become a leading voice for better road design in her community. Matt was an experienced cyclist, but his helmet and bright gear could not protect him from a reckless driver crossing into his bike lane. Laura now advocates for safer streets, emphasizing the importance of road design that protects vulnerable pedestrians and cyclists. Laura recently shared Matt’s story with NPR to underscore the importance of a critical but overlooked road safety resource. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), often referred to as the road design "Bible," has seen its first major revisions since 2009. Safety advocates like Laura pushed for changes that prioritized those outside the vehicle. The  latest version incorporates significant updates, including a larger section on bicycles, yet there is much more to do. Check out the NPR story


Governor hochul recommits to sammy’s law


Sammy’s Law re-launched!