“I cannot overstate it: Families for Safe Streets… are among the most powerful advocacy forces I’ve ever seen in politics… If we want our streets to be safer, you really need the human beings who’ve lost loved ones. It reframes everything.”

Polly Trottenberg
Former NYC DOT Commissioner and current USDOT Deputy Secretary

Families for Safe Streets is a fast-growing, national movement supporting, organizing, and elevating the voices of those affected by roadway deaths and severe injuries in order to end the preventable epidemic of traffic violence on our roadways.

Our theory of change is based on partnership, collective storytelling, and grassroots organizing – three critical components that bring bold action and systemic change. Our members’ collective stories humanize statistics and move decision-makers to action in a way that data alone simply can’t.

Our work is grounded in support.

Our community members have experienced the unimaginable. The trauma of losing a loved one or being seriously injured in a crash can be debilitating on many levels. For this reason, we provide extensive support services including monthly facilitated group gatherings, peer mentoring, a detailed resource guide, and advocacy opportunities when people are ready to share their stories to bring about change.

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New York Families for Safe Streets?

The New York Chapter of Families for Safe Streets website has moved.