Support Safe Speeds

Speed kills. Yet despite the proven dangers of unsafe speeds, speeding increases both the frequency and severity of crashes, yet it is persistent and widely viewed as acceptable behavior. Unsafe speeds are a well-documented and understood factor in death and injury, especially among people outside of a vehicle. Setting safe speed limits and addressing issues of speeding are proven to dramatically improve safety. That is why FSS members across the country share their stories to urge our leaders to set safe speed limits, particularly in urban areas, and enforce the limit using speed safety cameras.

Sources: Fatality Analysis Reporting System; Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities and Fatality Rate by Sub-Categories in 2020, DOT HS 813 118, June 2021; AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Severe Injury or Death; National Traffic Speeds Survey III: 2015, DOT HS 812 485, March 2018. 

Contact us if you want to lower the speed limit in your area or fight to get speed safety cameras.