FSS in washington, DC

Dozens of FSS members were among 160+ advocates from across the country participating in Capitol Hill Roadway Safety Advocacy Days in Washington, D.C. - an unprecedented gathering of those who have lost loved ones or themselves suffered an injury crash. Advocates shared stories with lawmakers, focusing on life-saving solutions including Complete Streets, Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), Impaired Driving Technology, and Post-Crash care. FSS joined the Road to Zero Coalition’s Annual Meeting including a fireside chat with NSC Director Lorraine Martin and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who later shared a tweet celebrating the passage of Sammy’s Law in New York and emphasizing that there is much more work yet to be done to address this national epidemic of deaths and serious injuries on our roadways. The event was organized by FSS in conjunction with the National Safety Council, StopDistractions.org, and It Could Be Me.


FSS Hard fought speed camera program in philadelphia proven to work


maryland passes bill named after FSS member Dan Langenkamp’s wife