FSS-Led fight for anti-speeding tech Makes huge Gains

The FSS-led fight to mandate that the most reckless drivers get anti-speeding tech called Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) in their vehicles is making huge progress — with bills introduced in over a half dozen states and the ones in Virginia and Washington State making significant progress. So called “super-speeders,” repeat offenders who consistently drive far above the speed limit, cause a disproportionate number of traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities each year. Families for Safe Streets members continue to pressure state legislatures to force these dangerous drivers to use anti-speeding technology on their vehicles, including with this petition.

FSS member Tammy Guido McGee wrote a powerful OpEd, sharing about her son Conner who was killed along with two classmates on their way home from a high school homecoming dance. One of the classmates lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a tree while driving over 70 mph, more than twice the speed limit. Jason Hicks also has this moving OpEd sharing about his daughter and, as a law enforcement officer with two decades of experience, the need for the enforcement community to have the tools it needs to prevent these senseless deaths. FSS members also testified in hearings in both houses in Virginia as well as in Washington State.

The Virginia General Assembly overwhelmingly passed HB 2096 and the bill has passed the Senate Transportation Committee. Read more about this effort at https://www.familiesforsafestreets.org/safe-vehicles.




SAn Diego FSS Founder laura keenan given ABC10 Community LeaderShip award