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FSS Goes to Albany for the Crash Victim Rights and Safety Act

Join us on Saturday, April 9 as we travel together by bus to Albany for the annual New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus weekend. We will be advocating for the Crash Victim Rights & Safety Act, a package of eight bills that together create a life-saving comprehensive approach to traffic safety and support for crash victims in New York State.

To register to join us, please complete this form:

This is always an energizing day of connecting with fellow FSS members, sharing our stories and moving our legislators to pass lifesaving bills without delay.

We hope you can join us.

Questions? Contact

March 23

Show and Tell - Remembering Loved Ones Killed in Crashes

April 27

Post Crash Body and Mind: Movement and Meditation for those Injured in Crashes